Initial Public Radio Breakdown

Over the past two weeks at SFPC, Zan Armstrong and I have been plugging away (in our spare time) at trying to visualize some of the initial data from the Public Radio's Kickstarter. It's been fun diving into javascript again (after my brief stint with the NYC convolution project this summer) and really fun learning about the quirks of d3. Thank you, Zan!  

So far our efforts have been focused on: 

  • Compiling backer data (stations and zip codes).
  • "Cleaning" the data (a fair number of backers either entered info incorrectly or left fields blank on our form).
  • Assembling a vector-based map to 'project' our data onto (limiting it to US only backers for the time being). 
  • Drawing a simple circle at each zip code location for a backer who has chosen to receive an assembled Public Radio (this accounts for roughly 1,000 backers).  

Interesting fact:

  • The Public Radio was purchased by people from all 50 states except the Dakotas and West Virginia.

Over the next few weeks the plan is to add a bit more info and functionality to the map and try and develop some interactive features to answer questions like.. 

  • Where is my dot? 

  • What were the most popular stations overall?

  • Did people near me get the same radio station?

  • Who else got my radio station?

  • Who else got x type of station (NPR, sports, conservative talk, jazz, alternative, etc)?


Update: 12/8 NPR Affiliate Stations

Here's the same map showing backers who chose an NPR affiliate station in green, and non NPR affiliate in blue.